Spirituality & Future Gods | Perístanom




Perístanom Flag Hoisted Animated

To ensure free and open access for everyone to the various flags below, their designs have been categorically placed, (or have always resided), in the public domain. Anyone may freely download, copy, share, post, publish, distribute, transform, adapt, alter, modify, manufacture, and make commercial use of the images so designated without any restrictions. While the flags signify that which is sacred, they themselves are merely flags, and therefore they need no protection from any use, misuse, or abuse, whether physical or digital.

Because the Pantone company has often modified its proprietary color space, the PMS color specifications referenced below should be taken as momentary suggestions only. In contrast, the web colors designated in RGB hexadecimal triplets (e.g., #00B200), despite practical variations, may be regarded as definitive.

Earth Flag Hoisted

Diversity Flag Hoisted

Perístanom Flag
Perístanom Flag is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Philip Kanellopoulos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Perístanom Flag.

Perístanom Flag is available for purchase through an unaffiliated vendor: Flags.gr (polyeseter).

Perístanom Flag: The image is of a flag representing Perístanom, a modern Pagan mythology. The flag is parted gyronny of six with three tinctures: argent (white, web color #FFFFFF), sable (black, web color #000000, PMS Black 6 C), and vert (green, web color #00B200, PMS 2423 C). The central charge is a roundel with a diameter that is two-thirds of the vertical width of the flag. Counterchanged, the roundel suggests an isometric projection of an octisected sphere, emblematic of the Perístanom Symbol. The approximate dimensional ratio of the flag overall is width: 390, and length: 676. That of the roundel at its center is width: 260, and length: 260. That of each of the three ellipses the roundel contains is width: 150, and length: 260. The mathematically precise aspect ratio of the flag, (and of the three ellipses with numerical eccentricities of approximately 0.8165), is width: one, and length: tangent sixty degrees. The above image was created using Inkscape and is in the public domain.

Perístanom Flag Waving

Comrades of Perístanom Seal

Comrades of Perístanom Seal: The official seal of the Comrades of Perístanom. Blazon: Escutcheon vesica piscis, gyronny of six argent sable and vert, overall an oak tree fructed eradicated and proper. Motto: ‘PERÍSTANOS SOQJÓM KOMMOINITÁTS—CITA WEROM WENOS PAKS KRÉDDHESQE—XLII ΕΓ’ (‘The Community of the Comrades of Perístanom; Life, Truth, Love, Peace, and Faith; 2012 CE’).

Order of the Androgyne Seal

Order of the Androgyne Seal: The official seal of the Order of the Androgyne, featuring an intersex person with the Mark of the Androgyne on hios chest. Motto: ‘DIWÓS WIROCÉNOSJO MONWOWOSTUJÓS SMGHOS—WÍTEROM KÓMJOUGOS—XLII ΕΓ’ (‘The Monastic Order of the Divine Androgyne; the Union of Opposites; 2012 CE’).

Earth Flag
Earth Flag is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Philip Kanellopoulos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Earth Flag.

Earth Flag is available for purchase through unaffiliated vendors: FlagandBanner.com (nylon), eBay: flagsmore17 (polyester), Etsy: DaukstaLT (polyester), Amazon: Cayyon (polyester), Amazon: POOEDSO (polyester), Walmart: Yanbooch (polyester), Fyon (polyester), Flag Sale (polyester), and Mercari (polyester).

Earth Flag: The image is of a flag representing Térsa [/ˈtɛrsa/] 🔊) (‘the Earth’), her diverse communities of people, and all of her forms of life. The flag has an overall dimensional ratio of width: three, and length: five. The field is parted per bend sinister, the upper-hoist being black (web color #000000, PMS Black 6 C) and the lower-fly being yellow (web color #FFFF00, PMS 803 C). The central charge is a large blue roundel (web color #0000FF, PMS 2736 C) with a light-blue crescent (web color #00AAFF, PMS P 115-7 C) describing its fly-side limb. The diameter of the blue roundel is two-thirds of the vertical width of the flag. The flag’s upper-hoist canton is charged with a smaller gray roundel (web color #555555, PMS P 172-14 C) with a white crescent (web color #FFFFFF) describing its fly-side limb. The diameter of the gray roundel is two-elevenths of the vertical width of the flag. Each roundel’s crescent, whereof the concave edge describes a semi-ellipse (with numerical eccentricity of approximately 0.866), is orthogonally oriented and has a width that is one-fourth the width of its respective roundel. Both roundels are the same distance from the top of the flag: one-sixth of the vertical width of the flag, which is also the distance from the blue roundel to the bottom of the flag. The gray roundel is that same distance from the hoist: one-tenth of the horizontal length of the flag. The blue roundel represents the Earth, the gray roundel represents the Moon, and the yellow field represents the edge of the Sun. The diameter of the gray roundel is three-elevenths of that of the blue roundel, corresponding fairly accurately to the actual ratio of the size of the Moon to that of the Earth. The above image was created using Inkscape and is in the public domain.

Earth Flag Waving

Gaia Flag
Gaia Flag is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Philip Kanellopoulos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Gaia Flag.

Gaia Flag is available for purchase through an unaffiliated vendor: Amazon: POOEDSO (polyeseter).

Gaia Flag: The image is of a flag used by the Knights of Gaia as their standard. The flag represents the Earth. It has an overall dimensional ratio of width: three, and length: five. It consists of a field of blue (web color #0000FF, PMS 2736 C) with a roundel as the central charge. The roundel is divided per quarter, rendered in alternating quarters of white (web color #FFFFFF) and black (web color #000000, PMS Black 6 C). The diameter of the charge is two-fifths of the horizontal length of the flag. The above image was created using Inkscape and is in the public domain. (Courtesy of the Knights of Gaia)

Gaia Flag Waving

Knights of Gaia Coat of Arms

Knights of Gaia Coat of Arms: Blazon: Quarterly, I argent, a sun in splendour gules, II azure, a crescent Or, III azure, a roundel quarterly argent and sable, IV argent, a bat displayed sable; enté en point vert with an acorn proper; overall an oak tree couped and proper. Motto: ‘SERVI TELLVRIS VIVÆ’ (‘Servants of the Living Earth’).

Knights of Gaia Coat of Arms Early

Knights of Gaia Coat of Arms (Early): Blazon: Per saltire argent azure Or and gules, overall a dragon segreant vert, langued gules and denté argent.

World Flag
World Flag is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Philip Kanellopoulos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to World Flag.

World Flag is available for purchase through unaffiliated vendors: DHgate (polyester) and Amazon: POOEDSO (polyester).

World Flag: The image is of a flag representing the Earth. The flag has an overall dimensional ratio of width: three, and length: five. It consists of a field of blue (web color #0000CC, PMS Blue 072 C), in the center whereof is the flag’s charge, an ideogram representing the Earth. The ideogram depicts a stylized cartographic projection (Nicolosi globular)—a circle containing two conjugate diameters and four independent circular arcs, all suggesting various latitudes and longitudes—and is rendered in white curves (web color #FFFFFF) over the field of blue. The thickness of each of the curves is one-twentieth of the charge’s overall diameter. The diameter of the charge is two-fifths of the horizontal length of the flag. The above image was created using Inkscape and is in the public domain.

Terra Flag
Terra Flag is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Philip Kanellopoulos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Terra Flag.

Terra Flag is available for purchase through an unaffiliated vendor: Amazon: POOEDSO (polyeseter).

Terra Flag: The image is of a flag representing the Earth. The flag has an overall dimensional ratio of width: three, and length: five. It consists of a field of white (HTML #FFFFFF), in the center whereof is a circular ideographic symbol for the Earth as the flag’s charge. The diameter of the charge is two-fifths of the horizontal length of the flag. The symbol depicts a stylized cartographic projection (Nicolosi globular) and is rendered in white curves (web color #FFFFFF) with the spaces among the lines colored either blue (HTML #0000FF, PMS 2736 C) or green (HTML #00AA00, PMS 2423 C) to suggest a crude map of the Earth above the Atlantic Ocean. The thickness of each of the charge’s curves—four circular arcs and two line segments, all suggesting various latitudes and longitudes—is one-twenty-fourth of its overall diameter. Whenever the flag is displayed vertically with only one side visible, the obverse side is shown, with the hoist at the top. The image was created using Inkscape and is in the public domain.

Earth Symbol Flag
Earth Symbol Flag is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Philip Kanellopoulos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Earth Symbol Flag.

Earth Symbol Flag is available for purchase through unaffiliated vendors: Amazon: POOEDSO (polyester), Fyon (polyester), and eBay: worldflags (polyester).

Earth Symbol Flag: The image is of a flag representing the Earth. The flag has an overall dimensional ratio of width: three, and length: five. It consists of a field of blue (web color #0000CC, PMS Blue 072 C), in the center whereof is a circular symbol as the flag’s charge. The symbol is the astronomical (and astrological) ideogram of the Earth, rendered in thick white curves (web color #FFFFFF) over the field of blue. The diameter of the charge is two-fifths of the horizontal length of the flag. The thickness of the charge’s curves is one-eighth of its overall diameter. The above image was created using Inkscape and is in the public domain.

Libertarian Socialism Flag
Libertarian Socialism Flag is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Philip Kanellopoulos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Libertarian Socialism Flag.

Libertarian Socialism Flag is available for purchase through unaffiliated vendors: MetroFlags.com (nylon or polyester), The Solidarity Shop (polyester), Zazzle: Flags of the Globe (polyester), Zazzle: Flags of the Globe (polyester), Etsy: KiwiVexArt (polyester), Amazon: POOEDSO (polyester), Amazon: Kfwdrh (polyester), Amazon: Bjianfangb (polyester), and AliExpress (polyester).

Libertarian Socialism Flag: The image is of a flag representing libertarian socialism and anarchism. The flag has an overall dimensional ratio of width: eight, and length: twelve. The flag is parted gyronny of ten, gules (red) and sable (black). The red gyrons (web color #FF0000, PMS 2347 C) symbolize socialism (workers’ control of production) and democratic governance within workplaces and communities, while the black gyrons (web color #000000, PMS Black 6 C) symbolize anarchy (the rejection of illegitimate authority) and liberty. The central charge is a counterchanged star (mullet), the radius of which from center to point is three-twelfths of the flag’s overall length. The star may symbolize humanity and also evokes the Greco-Roman letter ‘A’ for ‘Anarchy’ (‘Anarchia’, ‹Ἀναρχία›). The above image was created using Inkscape and is in the public domain.

Libertarian Socialist Flag Waving

Comrades of Anarchy Coat of Arms

Comrades of Anarchy Coat of Arms: Blazon: Gyronny of ten gules and ermines, a mullet counterchanged of the second and of the first. Motto: ‘NVLLI DOMINATORES’ (‘No Rulers’).

Anarchy Star Flag
Anarchy Star Flag is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Philip Kanellopoulos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Anarchy Star Flag.

Anarchy Star Flag is available for purchase through unaffiliated vendors: Amazon: POOEDSO (polyester), Etsy: Antifascist (polyester), eBay: rumd6483 (polyester), and AliExpress (polyester).

Anarchy Star Flag: The image is of a flag representing anarchism. The flag has an overall dimensional ratio of width: eight, and length: eleven. The field is parted per bend sinister. The upper-hoist is red (web color #FF0000, PMS 2347 C), symbolizing socialism (workers’ control of production) and democratic governance within workplaces and communities. The lower-fly is black (web color #000000, PMS Black 6 C), symbolizing anarchy (the rejection of illegitimate authority) and liberty. The central charge is a counterchanged star (mullet) of black and red, the length of the diameter of an imaginary circle into which the star would just fit being five-elevenths of the flag’s overall length. The star may symbolize humanity and also evokes the Greco-Roman letter ‘A’ for ‘Anarchy’ (‘Anarchia’, ‹Ἀναρχία›). The above image was created using Inkscape and is in the public domain.

Libertarian Capitalism Flag
Libertarian Capitalism Flag is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Philip Kanellopoulos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Libertarian Capitalism Flag.

Libertarian Capitalism Flag is available for purchase through an unaffiliated vendor: Amazon: POOEDSO (polyeseter).

Libertarian Capitalism Flag: The image is of a flag representing libertarian capitalism. The tricolor flag has an overall dimensional ratio of width: three, and length: five. The field consists of three horizontal bands of equal width. The black band at the bottom (web color #000000, PMS Black 6 C) symbolizes the rejection of state authority, while the metallic-gold band at the top (web color #BB9933, PMS 4021 C) symbolizes wealth and the asserted ‘right to property’. The cuneiform script (web color #000000, PMS Black 6 C), centered within the white band in the middle (web color #FFFFFF), reads (left to right) ‘Ama-gi’, an ancient Sumerian word that can be translated as ‘Liberty’. The particular script is a favorite symbol among many libertarian capitalists. The length of the script is the same as the vertical width of the flag. Whenever the flag is displayed vertically with only one side visible, the obverse side is shown, with the hoist at the top. The above image was created using Inkscape and is in the public domain.

Legion of Liberty Coat of Arms

Legion of Liberty Coat of Arms: Blazon: Per bend sinister Or and sable, overall a dragon segreant gules and armed argent, within a laurel wreath vert. Motto: ‘LIBERTAS PROPRIETAS ET ORDO’ (‘Liberty, Property, and Order’).

Democratic Socialism Flag
Democratic Socialism Flag is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Philip Kanellopoulos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Democratic Socialism Flag.

Democratic Socialism Flag: The image is of a flag representing democratic socialism. The triband flag has an overall dimensional ratio of width: two, and length: three. The field consists of three broad vertical bands of equal width. The blue bands on either side (web color #0000AA, PMS Blue 072 C) may symbolize ignorance or privilege, while the white band in the middle (web color #FFFFFF) may symbolize illumination. The central charge, contained entirely within the white band, consists of a left anterior fist clutching a rose by its stem. The fist is centered, its width one half that of the band, its forearm emerging from the band’s bottom edge. Intended to symbolize the working class, the fist and forearm together are black (web color #000000, PMS Black 6 C) at the top, fading gradually to white (web color #FFFFFF) at the bottom, as if illuminated from below. The rose, meant to symbolize socialism, has an orthogonal width three fourths that of the white band and points diagonally toward the upper hoist. Its calyx, leaf, and stem are green (web color #00AA00, PMS 2272 C) and its petals red (web color #FF0000, PMS 2347 C). The details of the rose and fist are described by white outlines (web color #FFFFFF) with rounded terminals, each line having a width 1/192nd of the horizontal length of the flag. Precise graphical shapes for the fist, arm, and rose are not strictly mandated, with stylistic variations being permissible. Whenever the flag is displayed vertically with only one side visible, the obverse side is shown, with the hoist at the top. The above image was created using Inkscape and is in the public domain.

Democracy Flag
Democracy Flag is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Philip Kanellopoulos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Democracy Flag.

Democracy Flag is available for purchase through unaffiliated vendors: Amazon: magFlags (polyester), Amazon: POOEDSO (polyester), Amazon: Biallbi (polyester), and Amazon: Bjianfangb (polyester).

Democracy Flag: The image is of a flag that symbolizes democracy and its principle of decisions and power being shared equally, among all stakeholders, in all sectors, at all levels, in all human relations, everywhere. The flag has an overall dimensional ratio of width: twenty-six, and length: forty-one. Its background is tierced per pall in blue (at the hoist) (web color #0000FF, PMS Blue 072 C), red (at the bottom) (web color #FF0000, PMS 2347 C), and green (at the top) (web color #00DD00, PMS 2423 C). These three fields converge toward the center of the flag, and each field describes a 120º angle at the flag’s (obscured) central vertex. At this center is a charge with a diameter that is 15/41 of the horizontal length of the flag. The charge consists of twelve pictographic human figures linking hands in a ring, their heads outward, their legs inward toward the center. Their legs collectively describe the outer shape of a central, white (web color #FFFFFF) dodecagram (Schläfli symbol {12/4}) which they surround. The ratio of the diameter of each figure’s head to the diameter of the entire charge is 2/45. The angular size of all of the figures’ arms and legs is 15º, and the various angles formed within and among the figures are all in multiples of 15º. The distance from the neck of one figure to the neck of the opposite figure is one-third of the horizontal length of the flag. Each figure in the charge is of a different color of the spectrum—rose at the top (web color #FF007F, PMS Process Magenta C), followed clockwise by magenta (web color #FF00FF, PMS 807 C), violet (web color #7F00FF, PMS 2592 C), blue (web color #0000FF, PMS Blue 072 C), azure (web color #006EFF, PMS 2173 C), cyan (web color #00DDFF, PMS 915 C), spring green (web color #00DD7F, PMS 7479 C), green (web color #00DD00, PMS 2423 C), chartreuse (web color #7FDD00, PMS 375 C), yellow (web color #FFDD00, PMS Yellow C), orange (web color #FF6E00, PMS XG Orange C), and red (web color #FF0000, PMS 2347 C). The above image was created using Inkscape and is in the public domain.

Democracy Flag Waving

People for Democracy Coat of Arms

People for Democracy Coat of Arms: Blazon: Per pall, I vert, a tabletop round, gyronny and proper, II argent, a swan rousant to sinister sable, wings elevated and addorsed, beaked gules and legged cendrée, III sable, a swan rousant argent countercoloured, wings elevated and addorsed, beaked gules and legged cendrée; a base barry wavy of six sable and argent counterchanged. Motto: ‘POPVLARE IMPERIVM IN OMNIBVS INSTITVTIONIBVS’ (‘Popular Rule in All Institutions’).

Diversity Flag
Diversity Flag is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Philip Kanellopoulos has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Diversity Flag.

Diversity Flag: The image is of a flag representing the celebration of diversity, of people and cultures. The flag has an overall dimensional ratio of width: two, and length: three. A rainbow of six colors radiates from the upper hoist, covering equal areas and trisecting the fly edge and the bottom edge. The colors of the visual spectrum displayed, clockwise from the top, are red (web color #FF0000, PMS 2347 C), orange (web color #FF7F00, PMS 151 C), yellow (web color #FFFF00, PMS 803 C), green (web color #00BF00, PMS 2423 C), blue (web color #0000FF, PMS 2736 C), and purple (web color #BF00BF, PMS Purple C). The above image was created using Inkscape and is in the public domain.

Lighthouse with Waves Animated

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